Reversing veCRV Model

Reverse-Engineered veCRV Model: Growth and Benefits of veGMBee

We have reverse-engineered the veCRV model, where token balances decay over time, and innovatively designed the veGMBee model to make the balance grow over time. This approach brings several benefits:

Benefits of the veGMB Growth Model

  1. Enhanced Voting Power Over Time: Users gain more voting power as time progresses, rewarding long-term commitment and participation.

  2. Increased Holder Loyalty: The growing balance model encourages users to hold their tokens for longer periods, fostering loyalty and stability within the ecosystem.

  3. Alignment with Long-Term Goals: This model aligns the interests of token holders with the long-term success of the project, promoting sustainable growth.

  4. Greater Governance Influence: Long-term holders have a greater influence on governance decisions, ensuring that those most invested in the project's success have a significant say.

How It Works

  1. Initial Locking

    • Lock GMB Tokens: Choose the amount of GMB you wish to lock and the lock-up period.

    • Receive veGMBee: You will receive an initial veGMBee balance, which is lower at the start.

  2. Accrual Over Time

    • veGMBee Growth: Your veGMBee balance grows gradually over the lock-up period.

    • Voting Power Increase: As veGMBee accrues, your voting power increases proportionally.

    • Maximum Balance: At the end of the lock period, your veGMBee balance is at its peak.

  3. Unlocking

    • End of Period: Once the lock-up period ends, your GMB tokens are unlocked.

    • Maximum veGMBee: You achieve the maximum veGMBee balance at the end of the period.

Locking GMB tokens to obtain veGMBee provides users with increasing voting power and aligns their interests with the long-term success of the ecosystem. By reverse-engineering the veCRV model and implementing a growth mechanism, we ensure long-term commitment, loyalty, and greater governance influence for our token holders.

Last updated