
veGMBee (veGMB)

When you lock your GMB tokens in The Vault, you receive veGMB tokens in return. These veGMB tokens represent your locked GMB and come with several benefits. Here's a simple explanation of veGMB.

What is veGMB?

veGMB stands for "vote-escrowed GMB". It is a special token you get when you lock your GMB tokens in The Vault. Think of it as a receipt that proves you have locked your GMB tokens and is used to measure your participation and influence in the ecosystem. veGMBee (veGMB) is a non-transferable token which represents your share of the locked tokens.

Benefits of veGMB

  • Voting Power: veGMB gives you voting power in project decisions. The more veGMB you have, the more influence you get.

  • Rewards: veGMB allows you to earn rewards based on the number of tokens you've locked and for how long.

  • Exclusive Perks: Having veGMB will grant you access to special features or events within the project.

How to Get veGMB

Here's how you can get veGMB in a few simple steps:

  1. Lock Your GMB Tokens:

    • Decide how many GMB tokens you want to lock.

    • Choose the duration (in days) for which you want to lock them.

    • Confirm the lock, and you will receive veGMB tokens in return.

  2. Use Your veGMB:

    • Participate in project votes and help shape the future of the ecosystem.

    • Earn rewards based on your locked GMB and the time period.

    • Enjoy any exclusive perks that come with holding veGMB.

  3. Unlocking Tokens:

    • After the locking period ends, users can unlock their GMB tokens.

    • The corresponding veGMB tokens may be burned or retained for a period as part of the unlocking process.

*You can check the amount of locked GMB using GMB Stats Dashboard

Last updated