How to Buy and LP

How to Buy GMB:

1- Simply go to our website ( and click on Buy $GMB on the lower right.

2- Connect your wallet to Uniswap and choose Base Chain. 3- Enter the amount you want to purchase in ETH. 4- Click Swap 5- Done. Now you're part of the pond and own $GMB.

How to LP:

In order to provide Liqudity to GMB, you will be earning part of the fees generated from trading. 1- Go to Uniswap Pools, connect and choose Base Chain. 2- Navigate to V2 Pools under Positions as shown below.

3- Choose the pair ETH/GMB. You will need to add GMB contract address (0xC890EB927871660C7259F0DCAaF3d8a7CE5fA8C1) in the lower section.

4- Add equivalent ratio of ETH to GMB and submit. 5- Done! Now you are earning fees that are generated by GMB trading.

Last updated